Law Enforcement (Police & Sheriff’s Office), Jail & Detention and Communications Center
Developing policies and procedures for your agency can be a daunting task! Not to mention that once developed, questions may remain regarding the constitutionality of the policies.
Relieve the Pressure!
OSS’ Law Enforcement (Police & Sheriff’s Office), Jail & Detention, and Communications Center Policies & Procedures have been continuously updated for over 20+ years. With thousands of users, OSS has established a nationwide following with over 2,000 users.
A driving force in the OSS Policy Development Process includes reviews of areas of operation which frequently result in the filing of 42 US Code § 1983 Civil Rights and personal injury lawsuits. Detailed comparisons are made of your agency’s existing policies & procedures, staffing, training, to OSS’ The Deadly Dozen® Law Enforcement or The Big Ten® Jail liability issues.
Once comparisons are made, OSS Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) will then begin the process of developing your specific agency’s policies and procedures. Weekly, through confidential password protected portals, OSS will provide initial drafts of your policies and procedures for review and consideration. Carefully noting any specific changes you desire, OSS SMEs will then produce a final draft.
OSS develops Policies & Procedures for:
- Law Enforcement
- Police
- Sheriff’s Office
- Jail & Detention
- Communications Center
- Insurance Carriers & Brokers
- Risk Management Associations
- State Police & Sheriffs’ Associations
- State Jail, Detention & Correctional Associations
Subject Matter Experts
OSS SMEs develop your policies from our existing Law Enforcement (Police & Sheriff’s Office), Jail & Detention, and Communications Center Policies & Procedures. OSS SMEs are recognized in both federal and numerous state courts and are well versed in the latest evolving industry best practices and court decisions, and regularly teach law enforcement officers, jailers, risk managers and attorneys.
Nationwide Best Practices
Your agency’s new policies & procedures will include industry best practices and include several state agencies and law enforcement associations insights that have contracted with OSS to develop specific client-branded policy sets – to name a few, the states of Arkansas, Mississippi, Texas, Ohio, Kansas, and more.
Defensible Policies
Agency policies also contain the latest risk management practices, with access to regular updates. They will be simple to understand, straightforward, easily modified and rooted in law.
Microsoft Word Format
OSS policy development clients final policies & procedures are provided direct from our secure servers in one simple downloadable file. Each individual policy is in Microsoft Word, and formatted so there truly are no limitations to agency-specific modifications. Each policy set and individual policy may be edited, graphically enhanced, reserved for future use, added to, or even deleted.
Critical Broadcast Notifications
With over 2,000 policy clients, a unique source of policy development input comes through actual incidents, opinions, and perspectives shared by agency Chiefs of Police, Sheriffs, and cases OSS has been retained in as experts. OSS stays in constant contact with our clients and their employees regarding trending issues in law enforcement liability and risk management. Whether there is a new prevailing court case, a new OSS policy developed, or an online OSS Academy® training opportunity, we will email you and your staff directly.
Online Liability Training Support
Through OSS Academy®, we provide 200+ law enforcement and jail courses online. OSS Academy® courses are recognized by more Peace Officer Standards and Training boards and correctional associations than any other online training provider. In addition to state regulatory agencies, our courses are sanctioned by the American Jail Association (AJA) and the American Probation and Parole Association (APPA). Select courses qualify for AJA’s Certified Jail Officer (CJO) and Certified Jail Manager (CJM) programs, and/or can be used for initial certification and re-certification. For more information, contact OSS. [Visit OSS Academy®]
Expert Support
OSS Subject Matter Experts are just a phone call away. We welcome opportunities to discuss policy or risk management related issues with our clients. Whether you have a policy development question or a risk management issue, OSS SMEs will provide On-Call Consulting at no additional charge.
Litigation Support
OSS Subject Matter Experts have been retained in 1,200+ liability-related cases. Should the need ever arise; we are available to provide your defense team with expert litigation support. For more information, contact OSS. [OSS Expert Witness Consulting Services]
Primary Benefits of OSS Policy Development Services:
- Liability Reduction: No doubt, using OSS Policy Development Services will reduce liability for both your agency and you individually. More importantly, your officers will be safer using current policies and procedures.
- Reduce Manpower Drain and Cost: Developing policies and procedures internally for your agency is a daunting task that can cost much in dollars and labor! Not to mention that once developed, questions may remain regarding the constitutionality of the policies. OSS Policy Development Services is a streamlined process, and reduces internal agency production costs while providing a significant ability to have your specific agency policies created by Subject Matter Experts.
- Critical Broadcast Notifications: Whether there is a new prevailing court case, a new OSS policy developed, or an online OSS Academy® training opportunity, we will send an email straight to your inbox.
- Subject Matter Experts: OSS provides you with access to court recognized SMEs.
Primary Features of OSS Policy Development Services:
- Depth of Services: No law enforcement risk management firm in the United States can provide your agency with the depth of services offered by OSS Law Enforcement Advisors®.
- Microsoft Word Format: Final developed policy sets may be edited, graphically enhanced, reserved for future use, added to, or even deleted. You can modify without being limited to Adobe formats, or Internet speeds.
- Defensible: OSS Law Enforcement (Police & Sheriff’s Office), Jail & Detention, and Communications Center Policies & Procedures contain the latest risk management practices, regularly updated, simple to understand, straightforward, easily adapted and rooted in law.
- Updates: Critical or general bi-annual policy updates are provided through our notification service for only $695 each year.
For more information regarding OSS’ Policy Development Services, contact OSS.