law enforcement officers Narcan

Law Enforcement Officers & Narcan

By Bernie Leonard, OSS Expert Witness | Thurs, 25 April 2019 — Many agencies have issued or are considering issuing law enforcement officers Narcan for administration in the event they encounter a person that is suffering from an opioid overdose. In fact, Narcan is extremely effective in cases of opiate overdoses, with little or no…

police misconduct defense and body cameras

Police Misconduct Defense: Are Body Cameras the Key?

By OSS Law Enforcement Advisors Staff | Mon, 22 April 2019 – Do you worry about police misconduct defense and the potential for misconduct allegations against your agency? If so, you aren’t alone. Police misconduct is oftentimes not misconduct at all, but someone attempting to create a defense of their own misconduct, or the misconduct…

Police Psychology: Law Enforcement Longevity and Loss of Self

By Michael Tavolacci, PhD at Peak Performance Biofeedback, Inc. | Fri, 5 Jan 2018 Consider: In 2011 65 police officers were shot and killed! (Violanti, 2012) In 2011 147 police officers committed suicide! (Violanti, 2012) Ironically, the sad reality is police officers commit suicide more frequently than the civilian population. Admittedly, there are a myriad…

Armstrong v. Pinehurst – Critical Policy Consideration

By OSS Law Enforcement Advisors Staff | Thu, 4 Feb 2016 On January 11, 2016, the U.S. Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals issued an opinion in the case of Armstrong v. Village of Pinehurst which dramatically changes the legal landscape governing TASER use by officers. TASER use as a pain compliance tool against a resisting…

To Seize or Not To Seize? That’s The Question!

By Jim Smith, OSS Expert Witness | Mon, 9 Jun 2014 Since 1969, law enforcement officers have been guided in search coincidental to arrest by Chimel v. California, in that case the Supreme Court ruled that if police arrest an individual, they may, without a search warrant, search the body of the person and “the…